Saturday, July 13, 2013

Unconditional Love by Lindsay Banner

Relaxing in an inner tube on the river, soaking in the sun, chilling with Luke, mom and dad, cold beer in hand, followed by a night of camping at Jeanie and Brian's with Jon, Laurie all of our parents on the river.  What better way to celebrate July Fourth?

It's funny dad hated camping, but he also knew that in recent years - I had began to love it. Living in a city, which I do actually enjoy, and taking any opportunity to be in the woods - I will take it!  It was the first time since we had tried camping as a family activity when Andrew and I were 10 and 12 that he decided a night of sleeping in a tent wouldn't be too bad.  As expected, it wasn't the best night of sleep, but after he had the opportunity to experience my recently acquired skills of cooking breakfast in the mountain pie makers, his poor night sleep was a distant memory.  

The broski and I often discuss the extremes dad would go to for us. Unconditional love. That's what both our parents have always given, but he would do anything just to have two minutes with us. Drive two hours once a week to haul me to see Dr. Fu following two knee surgeries for six-month stints? Not a problem. Drive four hours to watch a two hour volleyball match after work? Why not? Fly to Dallas for a week and find ways to entertain himself, granted that was never hard for him, just to get to spend the remaining hours of the day after work with Andrew? Sure.  Camp out to have the opportunity to relive his twenties and spend it with his daughter and honorary sons? Wouldn't miss it.

It's so incredibly hard to believe that was two short years ago. Two years since he and I went to the back little league field (now softball field - which is awesome) to go to the batting cages for him to help me with my swing while he pitched to me - something we hadn't done since I was probably six years old and it was the yellow whiffle ball bat in the front yard. Exactly two years since we were at the fields, the Pirates are leading the National League and the Red Sox are leading the American League. All is right in my dad's world.  It bums me out he's not here to share a Yuengling in celebration.  As Tessa, my wonderful roommate, often reminds me, he's with me every day, and there is no doubt in my mind that she's right. But boy would it be nice to hear his laugh and share a toast to the Buccos and the Sox.

As I was wrapping up this year's Fourth of July celebration, I received a call from my mom about Greg Wolf's passing - family friend, husband, and father of two wonderful teenage girls. It broke my heart.  For the first time in two years, I've struggled to get out of a rut.  Typically, my ruts last for about a millisecond and I move on, thanks to my dad's ability to instill a fraction of his positive attitude into my daily habits, but so many thoughts came rushing to my mind for the Wolf family over the course of the past week.  Distant memories have become fresh in my mind.

I think what I've struggled with most is everything that has happened since that weekend.  My sports knowledge IQ has significantly decreased since I no longer have him to recap SportsCenter on my drive to work. Grad school coupled with a full-time job has caused a complete imbalance in my life. I am forever conscious of it and strive to maintain some form of balance, even sanity, but always fall short. But I am in grad school so for now, I'll have to accept it. I can't wait to be back in the gym on a regular schedule.  Andrew has a job, multiple jobs and is pursuing his dream, like dad would have wanted. He continues to know how to press my buttons to both piss me off, yet motivate me. Mom has become independent and hauls a camper around. Betty Jo hauling a camper. Makes me smile every time I think about it.  Jon and Luke continue to be like family. And it saddens me that dad never had the opportunity to meet Tessa, but roommate Andrew is still around and without the two of them I don't know how I'd have gotten through the past two years. I don't tell either of them often enough.  They have had the most exposure to sleep deprived, stressed out, out-of-shape, poor diet Lindsay and have always known best how to deal with me - maybe even better than I know how to handle myself at times. Craigslist. Who knew?

At the end of the day, he has been here every step of the way. Based on the amazing people that are in my life, both near and far, and the experiences and opportunities that have been placed before me - I have no doubt.

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